A recent claim about controversial beer brewer Bud Light surfaced on the internet. It states that the company had chosen Colin Kaepernick, a former NFL quarterback and an American civil rights activist to be its new brand ambassador.
On Thursday, October 5, a Facebook page called SpaceX Fanclub shared a link to an article that alleged the news about Bud. The article was originally published by the website Esspots, a subsidiary of SpaceXMania on September 11. The Facebook post has since amassed over 14K reactions and 3.6K comments.
The article stated that Bud appointed Colin as the ambassador to boost sales. It mocked that while the brand was still recovering from the controversy surrounding its partnership with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney, it dove headfirst into another by announcing the footballer and activist as its new brand ambassador.
However, the claim in question is false. Esspots is a website known for publishing parody and satire news rather than factual ones. It covers popular and controversial topics based on events happening across the US and writes satirical pieces on these matters. The piece concerning Colin Kaepernick's supposed appointment as Bud Light's new brand ambassador should be regarded as satire rather than a legitimate news report.
Most internet users who came across SpaceX Fanclub's Facebook post did not seem to catch on to the news being fake and satirical. They were quick to comment on the post and made fun of Bud's supposed decision.
The satirical article claimed that the decision to welcome Colin Kaepernick to Bud’s team was taken at a grand press conference which was held at a local bar. It playfully referred to Bud Light's CEO as "Bubbles McFroth," a name clearly concocted for comedic effect, drawing on beer-related terms like "froth" and "bubbles."
It's worth noting that the actual CEO of Anheuser-Busch, Bud's parent company and a subsidiary of AB InBev, is Brendan Whitworth. Thus, it is safe to say that the article making the viral claim has no ground in reality.
This is not the first time SpaceXMania has published satirical stories about Bud Light. Previously in another article, it claimed that the beer brewer chose Whoopi Goldberg as its brand ambassador and also made a story about popular American soccer player Megan Rapinoe being the face of the brand. Both of these claims were later debunked.
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