With the spoilers for Blue Lock Chapter 235 out, fans witnessed Hiori Yo try and change his destiny. While he no longer wanted to care about his parent's expectations, he was still trying to reach Isagi's expectations, which left him with a difficult decision to make.
The previous chapter saw Hiori start Bastard Munchen's counterattack by cooperating with Isagi and Yukimiya. As he passed the final ball to Isagi, Kaiser reached his position to steal the goalscoring opportunity. Not wanting to let Kaiser score the winning goal, Isagi interrupted Kaiser's shot by hitting the ball at the same time. Unfortunately, the shot was blocked by Aryu and Barou.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Blue Lock manga.
As per the spoilers for Blue Lock chapter 235, the upcoming chapter will be titled "The meaning of being born." Blue Lock chapter 235 will pick up from the events of the last chapter. The ball had gone up flying after Shoei Barou and Aryu Jyubei blocked the shot. Kunigami and Aryu reached the ball's position wanting to gain possession for their team. Unfortunately for Kunigami, Aryu headed the ball away.
The ball then flew towards Oliver Aiku and Michael Kaiser, however, Hiori Yo managed to get to it and won the ball's possession. Meanwhile, Yoichi Isagi started making his run so that Barou would not be able to get to him.
As soon as Hiori got the ball, he proceeded toward Ubers' goal, wanting to create a goalscoring opportunity like Isagi was expecting him to. However, wanting to surpass Isagi's expectations reminded Hiori about his parents. This made him realize that, despite wanting to stay away from expectations, he was still trying to fulfill Isagi's expectations. That said, he did not hate Isagi's expectations.
As Hiori was trying to come up with an answer for the same, he had a vision of Jinpachi Ego asking him to shoot the ball, given that he was a striker. This helped Hiori remember that he was at Blue Lock, a place to mold strikers. Hence, he was starting to get convinced that his shot was the missing piece needed for the winning goal.
However, considering that Isagi had brought him this far into the selection, Hiori could not make up his mind. That's when he remembered Tabito Karasu telling him how he should expect things for himself. This helped Hiori understand that the only reason he was blaming his parents was because he hadn't made any choices for himself. Blaming others was helping him run away from being accountable for his lack of decisiveness. Thus, Hiori decided to shoot, hoping to find an answer for his future.
As Hiori unexpectedly shot for the goal, everyone was left shocked. They were expecting him to pass the ball to Isagi, so no one was prepared, except for Sendo Shuto, who managed to stop the goal. Hiori was disappointed that he could not score the goal. However, his shot helped Isagi envision a new chance for victory as he conveyed the same to his partner.
Blue Lock chapter 235 spoilers saw Hiori Yo showcase a new side to himself. While he has almost always tried to help others score their goal, fans were able to see him try to score a goal for himself. That too, the shot was quite powerful. While Isagi did not reveal his plan, fans can expect him to play it out with Hiori in the next chapter.
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