How to cancel forever 21 order

Can you cancel Forever 21 order?

When you place an order on Forever 21, it is processed immediately. When you place an order on Forever 21, it is processed immediately. While this is meant to ensure that you receive your order quickly, it also means that you cannot cancel your order. However, you can wait for the order to be shipped and return it.

Can you cancel an online order?

You can cancel an online order in writing, by fax or by email, and a cancellation form should also be made available although it’s sensible to stick with the process the retailer has set up – if it’s reasonable. The retailer shouldn’t make cancelling an online order unnecessarily difficult.

How do I cancel a Forever 21 return?

Please email us at or call at 080-46485177 in case of any clarification.

Why did Forever 21 cancel my order?

Forever 21 was unable to verify the billing information that was entered on the order. If the billing address does not match with what the credit card issuer or bank has on file, the order will be automatically canceled.

Is it safe to order from Forever 21 online?

Forever21 is going out of business so do not order from them online because they are refusing to take items back. Only shop in stores after you have tried them on. Bad customers service ever and the return policy is horrendous. Do your shopping elsewhere, there’s a reason thry filed bankruptcy.

Does Forever 21 replace stolen packages?

I contacted Forever 21 and was told a supervisor would call me back the same day. Madison ** informed me Forever 21 is not responsible for lost/stolen packages. Forever 21 does not issue refunds or replacements and she was sorry but to contact the credit card company.
