Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph is the final entry in The Witch Queen chapter, as players will need to help Ana Bray restore Rasputin's AI. Typically, there are a series of triumphs, missions, and weapons to follow, as the new season is not all about just punching Hives.
Similar to multiple seasons that came before, players will be able to get one of the most important pieces in their inventory, the seasonal artifact. Obtaining one will grant everyone access to 25 different mods. However, players must complete the introductory mission in Destiny 2 Season 19 to get it.
The following article breaks down the process of getting the artifact and all the seasonal mods within it.
Seasonal artifacts this season work the same way as before since the primary objective for players is to complete seasonal challenges, earn EXP, and power bonuses. However, the same EXP gains add an extra unlock, which can be further used to obtain a mod from the artifact.
As mentioned earlier, you will need to complete the seasonal introductory mission to start things off. The mission is called "Hierarchy," and players will be put inside accordingly after choosing a character for the first time since the season's launch. If not, it can be manually accessed from Europa via the Destinations tab.
The quest requires you to go through Bray Exoscience and push through the hoard of Hive and Fallen enemies. Multiple Cryptoliths will be scattered throughout the facility, which can be disabled by simply defeating yellow health-bar bosses. The primary objective here is to follow the waypoint until you reach the large head of Clovis AI.
Once done, defeat more enemies to keep them from controlling Clovis' mind, and restore the system to give the AI control. After a brief exchange between Ana Bray, Osiris, and Clovis AI, you will be sent back to HELM. Here, head down the stairs on the right, as shown in the image below, and talk to the Exo present there.
You will now have the seasonal artifact ready to be equipped in your inventory, as all EXP from activity completion, seasonal challenges, and bounties will count towards the power bonus and mod unlock. All the mods that can be found this season are as follows:
The fan-favorite Breach and Clear from Season of the Splicer returns with a brand new name called "Weakened Clear." Pairing this with Unstoppable Grenade Launcher mods will surely add extra lethality to the Guardian's inventory over existing loadouts.
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