The excitement among Pirates of the Caribbean fans reached a fever pitch when the poster for an alleged sixth installment, titled "Pirates of the Caribbean: Demons of the Corsair," surfaced on Facebook. The poster featured Johnny Depp reprising his role as Captain Jack Sparrow alongside Geoffrey Rush as Captain Hector Barbossa. However, the buzz surrounding the movie turns out to be nothing more than a hoax.
The unofficial poster and accompanying details were created by a satire and parody Facebook account, similar to those responsible for the recent viral Terminator posters featuring Margot Robbie and Henry Cavill.
Despite its fictitious nature, the poster garnered an overwhelming response, accumulating a staggering 11,000 likes and numerous comments. Internet users showed excitement in the comments section and responded by saying they couldn't wait for it.
The fake movie poster shared on Facebook had a caption mentioning that Captain Barbossa, played by Geoffrey Rush, had miraculously returned from the dead. It promised fans an epic maritime journey filled with action, treacherous waters, and supernatural encounters. The entire fabrication even included a reported release in year 2025 and the acclaimed director, Gore Verbinski.
However, the truth is that Pirates of the Caribbean: Demons of the Corsair is not in the works, and the information is entirely unfounded. The hoax serves as a reminder to verify information before sharing it, especially when it comes to highly anticipated movie releases.
Moreover, the real status of Johnny Depp's involvement in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise remains uncertain. Following the 2020 libel trial in London, where Depp lost against The Sun and News Group Newspapers LTD, the actor was quietly removed from the series and also ousted from his role as Gellert Grindelwald in Warner Bros.'s Fantastic Beasts franchise.
Depp's legal battles continued in 2022 during a multi-million defamation trial in Virginia against his ex-wife, Amber Heard. The jury largely sided with Depp, despite Heard's claims of domestic and sexual violence in The Washington Post. Despite being awarded damages, Depp has not returned to blockbuster filmmaking. His latest appearance was in Maïwenn’s Jeanne du Barry (2023).
The defamation lawsuit also revealed conflicting information about Depp's potential return to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. While Heard's attorneys stated that Depp would not return for a hefty sum and alpacas, sources close to the actor hinted at a change of heart, contingent on the project.
Disney has remained non-committal on Depp's return, but producer Jerry Bruckheimer expressed interest in working with the actor again, making a comeback seem more plausible.
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