Karen Mok

Birth Name: Karen Joy Morris

Place of Birth: Hong Kong

Date of Birth: June 2, 1970

*50% Chinese
*25% Welsh
*12.5% Iranian/Persian
*12.5% German

Karen Mok is a Chinese actress and singer. She is the daughter of Mok Ho Man Yee, a teacher, and Alan Morris, a writer. Her father is of half Welsh and half Chinese descent. Her mother is of one half Chinese, one quarter Iranian (Persian), and one quarter German, descent.

Karen is married to German-born Johannes Natterer.

On her father’s side, Karen is descended from Alfred Morris and likely his wife Lily. Alfred, who was Welsh, was the first Headmaster of King’s College, a secondary boy school in Hong Kong, from 1926-1934.

Sources: http://www.karenmok.com
