Kewanee Life Skills Re-Entry Center hosts Dads day

KEWANEE, Ill — The role of a father in a child’s life is vital, and that is why Kewanee Life Skills Re-Entry Center is hosting Dad’s Day on Saturday. It is the third annual event where children can come visit their dads at the correctional facility and and spend quality time outside of the traditional visiting room area.

During Dad’s Day, the children can play games, such as mini golf, or go onto the basketball court and shoot some hoop with their fathers. Additionally, there were other activities such as arts and crafts.

“It was a wonderful experience and he told me that most prison don’t do this so I’m excited to be here,” Jaylon Vazquez said. “And I will take this offer any day of the week.

As mentioned, this is the third year that the correction facility has put on this event for fathers and their children, and the dads say words can’t describe how valuable this father time means to them..

“The day is important because no where in IDOC do they have this sort of program,” Ricardo Vazquez said. “Where you’re able to just mingle with your child and play a bunch of game and just interact with them without the security just starring at you and having you just secluded to just one area and not letting you enjoy the true essences of having your child there so he can be himself or she can be her self and you can be your self with your child you know what I mean it’s like being in the world free.”

Jaylon says he visits with his dad often but admits this special father’s event is something he cherishes

“You get to do activities and on a visit you just sit down and talk but is like more than a visit,” Jaylon Vazquez said.
