New Suicide Squad Trailer Just Hit the Internet

Suicide Squad is set to release in theaters on August 5th, 2016 and the hype about the movie has been building for months with the release of cast photos and a short trailer.  On January 19th the full length trailer for Suicide Squad hit the internet and we couldn’t be more excited

Suicide Squad stars Jared Leto, Ben Affleck, Will Smith, and Margot Robbie – among other all stars – that all set this movie up to be a total smash!  One of the most anticipated performances comes from Jared Leto as The Joker as he was said to have been totally enveloped in the character.

“I took a pretty deep dive. But this was a unique opportunity and I couldn’t imagine doing it another way. It was fun, playing these psychological games. But as the same time it was very painful.”

Will Smith says he feels that he never met Jared Leto on set, he was only the joker.    Actress Viola Davis who plays Amanda Waller took similar action while preparing for her role as she studied M. E. Thomas’ Confessions of a Sociopath.  There is no doubt that the actors who took the important roles throughout the entire cast have put their all into this film – it’s going to be massive.

Are you excited to see Suicide Squad?  Have a favorite character already?  Tweet us at @CelebMix and let us know.
