Pokemon Platinum has aged like fine wine for many longtime fans. It continues to be played 15 years after its release and even after the Sinnoh region's recent remakes. The game holds a special place in the hearts of many players and still draws newcomers to this day, which stands as a testament to its status.
Regardless of whether Pokemon trainers are returning to the Sinnoh region in Platinum or they're entering for the first time, the challenges ahead can be tough, to say the least. Since this is the case, it isn't a bad idea to have a well-formulated battle party to be ready for any situation.
If Pokemon fans are hunting for recommended teams, it seems like a good time to take a look at some of the top options. However, these recommendations will operate on the assumption that players are still progressing and haven't caught the endgame legendaries yet.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer
With most teams in Pokemon Platinum, it's a good idea and fairly common practice to have a solid core of Fire, Grass, and Water-type species in a given lineup. Torterra clearly covers the Grass-type slot quite nicely, while Gyarados and Houndoom are two of the best Water and Fire-type creatures, respectively, when stats and move/type combinations are taken into account.
To round things out and improve overall type coverage, Pokemon trainers can look to the Psychic/Fighting-type Gallade, and the Normal/Flying-type Staraptor, both of which excel on offense and have great flexibility. Meanwhile, Blissey can step in as a tank role that can also support with healing moves in multi-creature battles.
Infernape is well-known throughout the Pokemon series for its impressive offensive capabilities, so augmenting it with the best allies for the journey through Sinnoh is slightly easier than complementing Torterra or Empoleon. Regardless, trainers will want to keep to the Fire/Water/Grass core by slotting in Gyarados and Roserade.
Staraptor provides a Normal/Flying-type combination with quality stats all the way to endgame, and Roserade and Gyarados benefit from secondary typings as Poison and Flying-types, respectively. Infernape has Fire and Fighting covered, so that just leaves a few more Pokemon types to utilize to run the gamut of potential type matchups.
Although placing every elemental type into a single Pokemon team would be incredibly difficult, Metagross and Dusknoir can effectively take care of business by adding Metagross' Steel/Psychic typing and Dusknoir's Ghost typing. Metagross' status as a pseudo-legendary means it won't be easy to obtain, but its moves and stats speak for themselves.
Meanwhile, Dusknoir requires a trade to evolve from Dusclops, but this 'mon should be able to effectively handle enemy Psychic-types as well as other Ghost-types within reason, thanks to its durability.
Empoleon has a particularly interesting typing as a Water/Steel-type, allowing it to effectively take part in the Grass/Water/Fire core of many teams while having some extra capabilities against Ice and Rock-type foes. Its stats also tend to favor durability, making it a particularly tanky starter that can be relied upon.
To round out the core trio for this Pokemon team, Roserade returns, thanks to its high offensive potential and partial Poison typing. Meanwhile, Rapidash makes an appearance thanks to its blinding Speed stat and solid experience growth rate. Staraptor also holds down the Normal/Flying-type role with its offensive output.
Meanwhile, Heracross presents a Fighting-type with some heavy offensive and defensive upside, depending on how it is EV trained. It also has access to Bug typing, giving it some edge against Grass, Dark, and Psychic-type opponents. To bring in some pseudo-legendary firepower, trainers can utilize the Ground/Dragon-type Garchomp.
As long as it's kept away from Ice-type Pocket Monsters in particular, Garchomp can serve as a fantastic lead battler or one to come in at the end of a fight. Its borderline legendary stats allow it to compete with most opponents regardless of what stage of the story players are currently at.
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