Was Triple H married to Chyna before Stephanie McMahon? Relationships explored

Triple H’s personal and professional relationships have been the subject of internet debate for a long time. The Game’s on-screen alliance with the late great Chyna was the highlight of the Attitude Era. However, the two were romantically involved behind the scenes as well.

Having said that, Triple H was never married to Chyna. The two dated during his first stint with Shawn Michaels’ D-Generation X. The internet put a timeline of their romance from 1996 to 2000. Chyna also managed Hunter during his ascent to the main event level. However, their relationship came to an end following the arrival of Stephanie McMahon in Hunter's life.

Chyna was said to have discovered love letters from Stephanie McMahon to Hunter. The former Intercontinental Champion also allegedly confronted Stephanie over her brewing romance with the former WWE Champion.

Triple H’s on-screen relationship with Chyna came to an end in 1999. The Game climbed up the ranks and had the backing of The New Age Outlaws and X-Pac. It is said that the couple formally broke up in 2000. It was during the same time that Hunter’s romance with Stephanie blossomed on-screen and behind the scenes.

The couple formed the McMahon-Helmsley Regime on WWE television towards the end of 1999. The heel group feuded with popular babyfaces of the time, such as The Rock, Mick Foley, and The Undertaker. The faction disbanded in mid-2002.

Triple H introduces World Heavyweight Championship on WWE RAW

The Game appeared on WWE RAW this week to deliver a blockbuster announcement. He unveiled a brand new World Heavyweight Championship. WWE’s Chief Content Officer also announced that a new champion will be crowned at Night of Champions in Saudi Arabia.

Hunter announcing the brand new title was very fitting for him as he was the first world heavyweight champion of the company. Triple H was awarded the big gold belt by Eric Bishoff on the September 2, 2002, episode of RAW.

However, fans will have to wait till May 27 to witness the crowning of the new World Heavyweight Champion.

What do you make of this story? Let us know in the comments section below!

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