Internet personality Ben Kissel is no longer part of Last Podcast on the Left after he recently faced domestic abuse allegations. His ex-girlfriend Taylor Moon took to social media and claimed that she was physically abused by the influencer. Other assertions about Kissel have also resurfaced online since then.
Last Podcast on the Left recently took to Instagram to announce that Ben Kissel “will no longer be a part of the Last Podcast Network or Last Podcast on the Left.” They also said in their statement:
“We promise that we will still produce and perform shows at the level you’ve come to expect, using the sensitivity these stories deserve. We have no intention of stopping any time soon. All we can do now is humbly ask you to join us as we enter this next chapter in our career and in our lives.”Marcus Parks and Henry Zebrowski released the statement after Taylor Moon alleged that she was physically assaulted by Ben Kissel.
Reddit user u/artemis_everdeen has been extensively detailing the events that have occurred in relation to Ben Kissel’s departure from the podcast. According to the post, Moon was allegedly assaulted by Kissel during one of the podcast’s Las Vegas August 2022 shows.
It was revealed that Moon accompanied Kissel and the rest of the podcast hosts who were with their wives. She reportedly opted out of going out with the group and stayed in her hotel room. The post alleged that Ben returned hours later in an inebriated state and resorted to throwing objects around and verbally abusing Taylor by allegedly calling her a “pathetic f**king loser” and “stupid f**king bi**h.”
It was also alleged that Moon was pushed down on the bed by Kissel as the latter pressed his forehead against her’s and verbally abused her.
A day after the alleged misconduct, Moon spoke to Zebrowski and his wife Natalie Jean about the same. It was also revealed that Kissel’s whereabouts remained unknown on the night Moon spoke to Jean and Zebrowski.
Moon reportedly broke up with Kissel in July.
During Moon’s interview with YouTuber Davey Jackson about the alleged abuse, she revealed that this was not the only instance where Kissel allegedly abused her. She claimed that the podcast host often spoke ill of her when he was inebriated.
Taylor Moon also alleged that Ben Kissel would frequently “love bomb” her, buy her gifts and take her out to dinners. She said during her interview:
“The nicer the present he bought me, the worse I was treated at night when he would be drunk.”Moon is not the only person who has brought forward allegations against Kissel. Killing Theodore host Celene Beth Olsen also alleged in the past that she had an uncomfortable interaction with Kissel in 2019.
In July 2022, she came forward to claim that Kissel invited himself into her hotel room despite her attempt to move away from him. She alleged that he blocked the bathroom doorway and inevitably blocked her while “heavily breathing.”
In September 2023, Olsen publicly extended support to Moon and demanded the Last Podcast on the Left hosts to address the allegations. She also alleged that there were concerns over Kissel’s behaviour dating back to 2014.
Following the same, they announced on their podcast in the same month, that Kissel had taken a break from the show to take care of his mental and physical health. They also claimed that he was seeking treatment. According to the aforementioned Reddit user, it was alleged that Kissel was in a rehabilitation facility for four weeks.
The Last Podcast on the Left hosts told followers that he would eventually return to the podcast, but won't be on it for the foreseeable future.
The same month, Ben Kissel took to Instagram to announce that he was taking a break from social media. He also added:
“My philosophy is to keep my personal relationships private. Regarding my ex partner if you’re not a fan of mine please use this platform to spread positive energy not negative You are all wonderful The support I’ve received from friends, family and Last Podcast fans means the world to me”Taylor Moon had not publicly responded to Ben Kissel’s permanent departure from the podcast at the time of writing this article.
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