Hey Cincy fans, I’m a Bills fan. I have two buddies from the Marine Corps who live in New Richmond (please don’t thank me for my service, it was peacetime and I didn’t do shit.). I was fortunate enough to attend the Damar Hamlin game in row 6, Bills side for MNF. I’m sad that that game ended with such circumstances. When you guys scored the TD to Boyd before that happened, I remember doing a 360 and talking to one of the season ticket holders behind me. This chant is super dope, left me in awe with how loud you all had it going after one score. Happy to have the QB rivalry now, you rightfully kicked our ass and it’s a shame that Kermit won again. Can’t wait to be back in Cincy for a game, will be parking under the bridge and smoking you Tigers fans in flip cup before you can say Browns. Go Bills