Selling the OC star Alexandra Jarvis married Sergio Ducoulombier on April 14, 2023, at the Villa del Balbianello overlooking Italy's Lake Como.
Selling the OC season 1 featured Alexandra Jarvis as one of the cast members. Upon graduating from Auburn University, Alexandra joined the show as an associate at Oppenheim Group. She closed about $40 million in sales in her first year in the industry. Additionally, she has appeared in films such as Clock Work and Feedback.
Sergio Ducoulombier, creator and CEO of payment network Slip Cash Inc., was introduced to her at a restaurant back on June 15, 2019. According to Sergio Ducoulombier's LinkedIn profile, Slip and Cash aims to “enable frictionless cashless acceptance for anything, anywhere and anytime from anyone's phone no matter the reason.”
In 1999, Sergio Ducoulombier completed his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Washington. No further information is available about Ducoulombier on the Internet, but he began working at Slip and Cash in 2019.
The couple had some drinks at the restaurant when they met and swapped numbers They got engaged in a private ceremony on December 27, 2020 in Newport Beach, California.
The couple later posted the news to their Instagram account. An image of them kissing was posted by Selling the OC star Alexandra Jarvis with the caption:
“A perfect way to 💍 in the New Year. Just over the moon to marry the love of my life, my best friend, my ride or die.”The couple tied the knot on 14 April 2023. Alexandra Jarvis, in an interview with People, said the following about her wedding:
"We wanted to have a very intimate and romantic wedding day without all the traditional expectations around us. So we decided let's the two of us go to Italy. We've been before and it's actually where I told him I loved him. He had already told me he loved me, but I held back for a little while."Additionally, Jarvis mentioned:
"It's a special place for us. We wanted to get married on Lake Como because it's just magical — the greenery, the natural beauty. It's honestly just the perfect, romantic backdrop for what we had envisioned."During the interview, Alexandra Jarvis also explained how she did not want a traditional wedding and the hassle of entertaining everyone who would attend. It was important for her to have a private wedding so that the couple could share their vows and enjoy their time together.
The gown Alexandra Jarvis wore at the wedding was designed by celebrity designer Michael Costello.
During the interview, she talked about how she was involved in the design of the dress:
"It's beautiful. It's a complete custom dress. I met with Michael months ago and we sat down and I just explained my vision and he sketched up what I was describing. It was exactly what was in my head. He's so talented."Immediately following the exchange of vows, Sergio Ducoulombier and Alexandra took a private boat ride to the nearby town of Bellagio. The evening ended with an Italian meal.
Having celebrated their union as husband and wife, Sergio Ducoulombier and Alexandra returned to Orange County to celebrate with their families and friends.
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