The iconic Crocs brand has just raised the fashion stakes with their latest launch, the 'Siren Clog,' popularly known as Creels. Combining comfort and style, the Siren Clog boasts a moulded TPU heel cup, providing the familiar Crocs feel but with added flair.
According to the brand's website, these new shoes are truly indulgent, alluring, and uncompromising and promise to make a night out comfortable and stylish. The Siren Clog is already redefining consumer expectations and causing quite a stir in the fashion world.
Fans are abuzz about this new release, and social media is already filled with varied reactions. One sentiment that seems to resonate is, "Would sell my soul for a pair of these."
Retailing at $129.99 AUD, these aren't your ordinary Crocs; they come with a 3.6-inch heel which has caught everyone's attention.
For those who love to experiement with shoes that provide comfort and style in one, Creels are meant for them.
Comments like "Girls Xmas present sorted," "Can I have them 👏," and "Need me some of these 🤩" show that many fans are eager to grab a pair.
Some even vouch for their quality, stating they're comfortable and secure enough for all-day wear.
Interestingly, one comment highlighted that these could be "the dream of every short person out there," given the heel's height.
Crocs, Inc. was established in 2002 and quickly turned out to be a phenomenon. It was widely popular because its clogs are made out of a foam clog design which was ideated by Foam Creations.
They started with a boating shoe design and gradually kept offering a wide range of footwear, including loafers, sandals, and boots, leaving a lasting impact on the casual shoe market.
The launch of the new 'Siren Clogs,' has sparked mixed reactions. Priced higher than typical Crocs and featuring a bold, heel-centric design, these new additions mark a significant shift for the company.
Love them or hate them, the buzz surrounding the Creels is hard to ignore.
As the brand continues its innovation journey, the Creels could prove to be a pivotal product in Crocs' history. Whether this new model will tip the scale towards love or hate is still up in the air, but one thing is clear—fans are excited to try these high-heeled Crocs for sure.
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